Artichoke Lab

spring in winter

Monday, June 21, 2004

hey brooklyn girl. let me open my arms and give ya a hug. gently. feel your tough dark skin, embrace the curves of your dark body. body carrying bloody history that still hits you, still carrying the burden of your grandmother. hey brooklyn girl now you have long dark straight hair and sell tamales at the corner. brooklyn girl you are a native of somewhere? indigenous of what land? Brooklyn girl you cover your head, you dance like an african, speak like singing like a brooklyn girl nomatter where you come from and I am a brooklyn girl too, citizen of no class, no race, no nation land.


At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

esta super buena esta cancion, "brooklyn girl" de leerla me imagino la musica, roots beats, pegajosos, cool, verano

no se quien la escribio pero deberias hacerlo mas seguido y en serio........................

believe me

At 3:36 PM, Blogger artichoke lab said...

chevere. te hare caso. viste carola? a lo mejor esta puede ser una cancion...empezar con el proyecto musica. nata


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